Sprache: Deutsch
11.08, 11:15–12:45 (Europe/Berlin), Zelt 5 - kleines Zirkuszelt
Anarchistinnen sind sich in vielem uneinig. Eine der Fragen, die am meisten für Diskussionen sorgt, ist die nach der anarchistischen Organisierung. Sollen die Anarchistinnen sich überhaupt in größeren Organisationen zusammentun? Und wenn ja, wie sollen diese Organisationen aussehen? Unterschiedliche Strömungen haben darauf sehr verschiedene Antworten gegeben. Sie reichen von dem Vorschlag der anarchosyndikalistischen Massengewerkschaft bis hin zur strömungsübergreifenden Propaganda- und Kultur-Organisation.
Dabei lohnt es sich gerade in dieser Frage, auch mal über den eigenen, geografisch begrenzten Tellerrand hinaus zu blicken. Denn auch außerhalb des deutschsprachigen Raums gibt es spannende anarchistische Organisationsansätze. Dieser Vortrag stellt mit dem Plattformismus und dem Especifismo zwei Ansätze aus unterschiedlichen Weltregionen und Epochen vor.
Anarchists disagree on many things. One of the questions that causes the most debate is that of anarchist organisation. Should anarchists come together in larger organisations at all? And if so, what should these organisations look like? Different currents have given very different answers to this question. They range from the proposal of the anarcho-syndicalist mass trade union to the cross-current propaganda and cultural organisation.
It is worth taking a look beyond our own geographically limited horizons on this issue in particular. Because there are also exciting anarchist organisational approaches outside the German-speaking world. This lecture presents two approaches from different regions of the world and different eras: platformism and especifismo.
Among other things, their historical origins, their most important characteristics and organisations that still refer to these movements today will be discussed. It will also look at the differences and similarities between the two approaches and answer the question of the extent to which they can be applied in our region today.
Anarchists disagree on many things. One of the questions that has caused the most debate, both historically and currently, is the question of organisation. Should anarchists join together in larger organisations? Different currents have given different answers. They range from the proposal of the anarcho-syndicalist mass trade union to the cross-current propaganda.
It is worth taking a look beyond our own geographically limited horizons, especially when it comes to this issue. This lecture presents two approaches from different regions of the world and different eras: platformism and especifismo.
Among other things, their historical origins, their most important characteristics and the organisations that still refer to these movements today will be discussed. It will also take a look at the differences and similarities between the two approaches and answer the question of how they can be applied in our region today.
Thematisiert werden unter anderem ihre historischen Ursprünge, ihre wichtigsten Merkmale und Organisationen, die sich heute noch auf diese Strömungen beziehen. Außerdem soll ein Blick auf die Unterschiede und Gemeinsamkeiten beider Ansätze geworfen und die Frage beantwortet werden, inwiefern sie heute in unserer Region angewendet werden können.
Anarchists disagree on many things. One of the questions that has caused the most debate, both historically and currently, is the question of organization. Should anarchists join together in larger organizations? Different currents have given different answers. They range from the proposal of the anarcho-syndicalist mass trade union to the cross-current propaganda.
It is worth taking a look beyond our own geographically limited horizons, especially when it comes to this issue. This lecture presents two approaches from different regions of the world and different eras: platformism and especifismo.
Among other things, their historical origins, their most important characteristics and the organizations that still refer to these movements today will be discussed. It will also take a look at the differences and similarities between the two approaches and answer the question of how they can be applied in our region today.
Wie wird der Beitrag sprachlich aufgebaut sein? –etwas voraussetzungsvollere Sprache
Für alle: Wie wird dein Beitrag ausgerichtet sein? –Strategieorientiert, Bildungsorientiert
Wird für den Beitrag Vorwissen benötigt? –Kein spezifisches Vorwissen nötig
An wen richtet sich euer Beitrag? –offen für alle
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