Sprache: English
07.08, 11:15–12:45 (Europe/Berlin), Zelt 17 Festzelt
Industrial animal agriculture is one of the most ecologically destructive industries, emitting more greenhouse gases than the entire transport sector. Frequently targetted by animal rights activism, this industry is however seldom the focus of climate- or ecology-focused mass action movements. This workshop aims to provide a discussion space for exploring the possibility of targeting animal agriculture through disruptive mass action movements like Ende Gelande; a space for thinking the factory farm or the slaughterhouse in the same vein as the LNG terminal or the coal mine. We'll explore the value, challenges and possibilities for these kinds of actions as a group, creating a basis for their further development within the movement.
Grundlegendes Vorwissen nötig/hilfreich, Kein spezifisches Vorwissen nötig
Für alle: Wie wird dein Beitrag ausgerichtet sein? –Strategieorientiert
An wen richtet sich euer Beitrag? –offen für alle
Wird dein Beitrag antifaschistische Themen, Bleiberechts- und Bewegungsfreiheitskämpfe oder Klimagerechtigkeit behandeln? –Der Beitrag wird sich mit Klimagerechtigkeit beschäftigen, Anderes
Wie wird der Beitrag sprachlich aufgebaut sein? –etwas voraussetzungsvollere Sprache
Myself and one other person will be facilitating this workshop - I am a PhD student in ecological economics at the University of Technology of Compiegne, in France, and the other facilitator is a Masters student in Human Ecology at Lund University. We are both climate activists who are/have been active in the Swedish context recently as well as in the German context. Together we have backgrounds in food systems, animal studies, climate justice and political ecology.