Abundia Alvarado

My name is Abundia Alvarado (also my grandmother’s name whom I am honoring by carrying her name). She/her.

I am a Nahuatl-Chiricahua Apache trans femme migrant from Tenochtitlan (so called Mexico City ) living in the south of USA currently. I am participating at System Change as a member of The Weelaunee Collective, a group working on systematizing/ sharing the experience of the Weelaunee Forest/Stop Cop City struggle.

I’ve participated in struggles/projects such as food justice,indigenous and QTpo rights, mutual aid, anti-speciesism, land back/defense and the abolition of police.


DE / EN : Defending & Celebrating Abundance Everywhere // Überall den Überfluss verteidigen und zelebrieren
Abundia Alvarado
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