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We will most likely not be able to process submissions after July 20, even if the submission is still technically possible

You can access the submission form at the bottom of this page. We recommend filling out the form on a laptop or PC rather than a smartphone.

The System Change Camp emerged from the climate justice movement and takes place annually to provide a space for socializing, networking, education, skillshares, strategic discussions and a cultural program. This year, we want to come together with the anti-fascist movement in Thüringen from August 5-11 to learn from and with each other, exchange ideas and work on concrete possible actions. We want the camp to be large and broad enough to offer attractive content and formats for both new people in the movement and those who have been organized for a long time.

Come to the large System Change Camp from 05.08. to 11.08.24 in Thüringen!


Are you interested in organizing a talk, workshop, information stand, exhibition, concert or other format as an individual or with your group, in hosting an entire tent on a specific topic or in supporting us with the realization of the events?

It doesn't have to be a classic workshop, but can also be a space for networking, exchange, fun, sport and strategy! We are particularly happy to organize learning spaces on our own privileges, sensitivity to discrimination and power structures. Of course, there will also be space for spontaneous contributions at the camp.

But please fill out this form as completely as possible and help us with the planning and mobilization for the camp!


We would like to build on the camp of the same name in Hanover last year (link to the website at the time: as well as numerous other climate camps. The System Change Camp has been one of the largest meeting spaces for the climate justice movement in the past and offers a space to come together as a movement, exchange ideas, network and discuss strategy. But how this space is filled depends on you.

Would you like to network with similar groups? Then invite them to an open networking room. Have you had certain experiences and want to know if others have had the same? Then organize an exchange room on this topic! Would you like to attract new people to your campaign/project? Then think about an organizing format that you can use to get unorganized people onboard! Do you simply enjoy doing a sport and are you confident enough to lead it in such a way that people with little sports experience and/or self-confidence can also join in? We are happy to receive such contributions! You want to bring creative protest to the streets and do handicrafts/paint/rehearse choreography/experiment in other ways? Super cool, go for it!
This year, the camp would also like to focus on addressing people who are not (yet) organized in our movements. Therefore, contributions in all areas (networking, education, culture, ...) that also address this target group are especially welcome.

In principle, it is also possible to create a networking space for your own community in a non-public tent, in which a self-designed program is organized by the community for the community. For this, however, we need an early request so that we can see if there are enough tents.


We are planning a thematic focus on anti-fascism for the program. It is becoming apparent that in the state elections in Brandenburg, Saxony and Thuringia in the fall, a fascist party could win the elections and form the government for the first time in the Federal Republic of Germany. This is one of the reasons why the camp will be in Thuringia, to enable networking precisely where the work of both anti-fascists and climate activists is particularly important and often particularly challenging. In the face of the strengthening of right-wing and fascist movements and strong active organizations against our ideas of an emancipatory, climate-just society, the camp would like to focus on anti-fascist perspectives.

We therefore especially invite you from anti-fascist organizations to take part in the camp and contribute aspects of your work to the program! What is being discussedin your groups? What can the climate justice movement learn from you? Where can we become active together (and/or already are?!)? We look forward to formats organized by you!

And also to all speakers outside of antifascist movements: We invite you to rethink your work from an antifascist perspective and to look for ways to connect!

At the same time, there will also be plenty of room for many other topics such as anti-racism, anti-colonialism, anti-ableism, queer feminism and much more: Come to our camp and feel welcome to bring your topics to the program!


We would also like to organize several "markets of opportunities": We are creating a space where different political groups can present themselves on the topics of freedom of movement, anti-fascism and climate justice respectively and get in touch with interested people from the camp.

We want to organize three markets of opportunity at the camp this year, on the topics:

  • Climate justice / general (Thursday afternoon)
  • Antifascism (Friday afternoon)
  • Solidarity in the context of the fight for the right to stay and freedom of movement (Saturday morning)

We want to make our camp program accessible to as many people as possible and therefore try to break down language barriers. If you would need interpretation and cannot arrange it yourself, we will do our best to arrange interpretation for your event at the camp. Please let us know which people, in which roles and in which languages will be speaking! What is the maximum number of participants that can take part in your workshop/program? Who is your program aimed at? So that interpreters can prepare well, it is also helpful if you inform us in advance about the specific topics and provide material. If you would like to support the interpreting group in the camp or in advance, please contact us!

Soon you will find more information at
If you have any questions, simply contact us at

⚠️ In order to submit a program contribution, it is necessary to create an account with pretalx. The name of the pretalx account will be publicly visible in the program as the name of the submitting person or group. The email address used for the pretalx account will only be visible to the program working group of the System Change Camp.

We will most likely not be able to process submissions after July 20, even if the submission is still technically possible